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          New Carbon Material

          Home>Product>New Carbon Material

          Mesophase Pitch Based (graphite ) Fibre

          Mesophase Pitch Based (graphite ) Fibre

          The Current Capacity : 10t/a
          Supplier: Jining Keneng New Carbon Material Science and Technology Ltd.
          The Current Capacity : 10t/a
          Supplier: Jining Keneng New Carbon Material Science and Technology Ltd.

          Physical and Chemical Specification: Diameter: 10µm, Axial Resistivity: 1.1µ?.m; Extension Strength: ≥ 2.2GPa, Young’s Modulus ≥ 600GPa
          Application Area: Used as high performance material in the field of aviation, aerospace, thermal protection components for military industry and national defense (guided missile, rocket, submarine), high thermal conductivity carbon/carbon composite material, new energy (nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy), high power density device, thermal management for high end electronic equipment.
          ?2015 Jining Carbon Group Co.,Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
          Add:No.99 Rencheng Avenue,Jining,Shandong
          Tel:86-537-2317667 Fax:86-537-2317557
          Design by JEREI
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