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          Pre-baked Carbon Anode

          Home>Product>Pre-baked Carbon Anode

          Pre-baked Carbon Anode

          Pre-baked Carbon Anode

          Capacity : 400thousans metric ton per year
          Shandong Chenyang Carbon Co.,Ltd.
          Jining Chenxing Carbon Co.,Ltd.
          Capacity : 400thousans metric ton per year
          Shandong Chenyang Carbon Co.,Ltd.
          Jining Chenxing Carbon Co.,Ltd.
          Pre-baked Carbon Anode: made from petroleum coke ,coal tar pitch ,through mixing ,forming and baking process , be used as anodes in cells of Primary Aluminum Smelter . Pre-baked Carbon Anodes Produced by Jining Carbon has the property of lower Ash content, Lower Sulfur content,
          and Higher Compress strength .
          we can produce Pre-baked Carbon Anode according to requirement of customers
          Advantage :
          1.CO2Reactivity Residue can reach above 91%,Air Reactivity can reach above 96%;the life-span in cells of  aluminium electrolysis  is 30-33days , with Jining’s anodes  the carbon consumption required for producing one ton primary aluminum will reduce by about 30Kg than using Pre-baked Carbon Anodes produced by other suppliers .
          2.Higher thermal shock Resistance
          Thermal Exposure : <4*10
          Heat Conductive : <3W/mkl

          3.higher current density
          current density : > 0.8A/cm2
          4.lower Electrical Resistivity
          Electrical Resistivity : 55-56μΩm


          Item Unit Guarantee Value Typical Value
          1 Apparent Density G/cm3 1.56(Min) 1.56 to 1.60
          2 Electrical Resistivity Microohm-mu 56(Max) 52.0-56.0
          3 Real Density G/cm3 2.06(Min) 2.06-2.10
          4 Compress strength Mpa 38(Min) 38-45
          5 CO2 reactivity Residue % 91(Min) 91-95
          Ash % 2.5(max) 1.0-2.5
          6 Air Reactivity Residue % 92(Min) 93-97.5
          Ash % 2) 0.1-2.0
          7 Thermal Conductivity W/mk 3.0(Min) 3.0-4.5
          8 Flexural Strength Mpa 9.0(Min) 9.0-13.0
          9 Permeability NPm 2.3(Max) 0.5-2.3
          10 Thermal Exposure k-1 4.0*10-6(Max) 3.0-4.0
          11 Ash % 0.3(max) 0.5-2.3
          12 Fe ppm 374(max) 580-374
          13 Si ppm 275(max) 540-275
          14 S % 1.2(max) 1.0-1.2
          15 Ni ppm 250(max) 250-182
          16 V ppm 150(max) 69-150
          17 Na ppm 100(max) 42-100
          ?2015 Jining Carbon Group Co.,Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
          Add:No.99 Rencheng Avenue,Jining,Shandong
          Tel:86-537-2317667 Fax:86-537-2317557
          Design by JEREI
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