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          National-Class Laboratory

          Home>R&D center>National-Class Laboratory

          Jining Caron Group founded it's carbon laboratory in 2003 and invested nearly RMB10 million to import more than fifty test equipments of world leading level,including element test equipment,air reactivity test equipment,CO2 reactivity test equipment, air permeability test equipment and so on,which enable our company to make research, development and test . Carbon Laboratory was certificated by national authority in 2004 .

          • CO2 reactivity test equipment

          • Thermal Conductivity test equipment

          • Air permeability test equipment

          • Thermal Expansion test equipment


          certificate granted by national authority for our laboratory
          ?2015 Jining Carbon Group Co.,Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
          Add:No.99 Rencheng Avenue,Jining,Shandong
          Tel:86-537-2317667 Fax:86-537-2317557
          Design by JEREI
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